either has other interests, drinks at home, or can't afford to patronize a bar as a regular thing. It would appear that the Lesbian is less of a problem alcoholically than the heterosexual. Psychologists have taken a fairly firm stand that alcoholism as a whole in both men and women is tied in with latent or repressed homosexuality.

Financially it is advantageous for women to live together, regardless of their sex life. Accordingly, the Lesbian partnership helps to increase security. However, it was agreed that in most cases it would be better for both parties to work rather than to have an arrangement more closely approximating husband and wife because each party to the Lesbian partnership is by her nature a person desiring independence and fulfillment of her own ambitions.

Social life of Lesbians varies in its methods and enjoyment as much as any other group's. For some it is easier to confine these activities to the homosexual area. For others it is necessary and pleasing to join with the heterosexuals in work, parties, discussion and other forms of recreation. The manner in which a homosexual will adJust to the world in general is largely determined by her previous background and adjustment. For those to whom it is difficult the privilege should be to choose that which is easier.


1. Gerontology newest "life science"



Single living


social life


The partnership



Everyone will become a "gerontocrat" someday, if he or she lives long enough. Steering one's existence in the se older years can be a problem, particularly if the individual has failed in his early and middle years to prepare for the time when the calendar as well as his friends will call him or her an old man or woman. This problem is accute for everyone; the prospect is even dimmer for most homosexuals. It is neither hopeless nor unavoidable.

At universities such as Michigan State, gerontology, the